TechsignDOC contract management & signing

End-to-end document management. Create, sign, share, store and track your documents online and securely.

Digitalize contract processes securely and easily

Different signature types
Creating templates
Fast document sending
Signing without being a member
Manage your contracts online
Signing by mobile devices
Send multi-users at the same time
Store and track your documents
Sending documents by email or SMS
Manage your team members
High secured storage
Techsign DOC works on the cloud and can be adapted to your system with basic APIs. If you choose to adapt to your system, you can store your documents wherever you want. And if you choose to use the platform on the cloud, you will be the only one who can access the documents.

Even if you don't renew your membership, still only you will be able to access your stored documents.

Why TechsignDOC?

Comply with local requirements
Techsign DOC platform complies with international laws and standards. It can always be updated according to regional regulations.
Better business management
Digitalizing the signing, -both remotely and face-to-face- creates better business processes. Using this platform will make it easy to track the changes on the document, send reminders, checking the signing date of the completed documents..
How to use?
Suitable solutions for different-sized businesses
It is suitable for both individual and corporate use. The platform has an affordable price, so small-scale companies and startups can enjoy it too.
More than one person can sign at the same time remotely.
The document can be sent by email or sms.
Storage of signed documents is affordable and effortless.
Flood or fire can not damage the stored documents.
Reducing paper usage is good for the environment.
Traditional methods
It is not possible for more than one person to sign at the same time.
The document can not be sent by sms.
Storage of signed documents is expensive and required high effort.
Stored documents are vulnerable to physical accidents.
Using paper is not environmentally friendly.

Satisfied customers

"We have been using TechsignDOC since 2021, and digitalized an important part of our business. By reducing paper usage, we protect the environment and also provide a better user experience to our patients."
GPDR forms 
"With the effect of the pandemic, we started to use TechsignDOC actively in 2020. We were all working from home, and face-to-face meetings were not an option. TechsignDOC made our life much easier at that time" 

Frequently asking questions

What is the difference between the biometric signature and the draw and sign?

The biometric signature can only be created by using a pen or finger on devices with a touch screen. On the other hand, the draw-and-sign can be created by using a mouse. The draw-and-sign option captures only the image of the signature, and its value as forensic evidence is weaker than the biometric signature.

Does my customer sign up to TechsignDOC to sign the documents I send through the platform?

No. Your customers don't need to sign up to sign the documents sent through the TechsignDOC platform. They only need to click the link from the received email or sms to sign the document.

Are my documents safe on the cloud?

You can either integrate your system with APIs or use the platform on the cloud. You will be the only one that can access the documents in your account.

Can I manage my documents from a mobile application?

Yes. You can click the link, download the app and manage your documents on a mobile device.

Can I access my documents after my membership is expired?

Yes.  Even after your membership is expired, you can always access your signed documents. They will be secure in our cloud, and not reachable by third parties.

Can the signed documents be used as evidence?

Yes. You can reach us and ask for Techsign forensic tool.

We can find the solution you need together.

Contact us for solutions suitable for your company's industry, size and geographical region.